How it all began
I used to poke his side and he would say “don’t do that, it’s for my future wife,” and I would tell him that he will have to tell her that I did it first.
— Alyssa
One day, I responded with “maybe I won’t have to”
— Michael
— It all began at McDonald’s… yes, really!
Back in 2020, when the world was shut down and the only thing open was fast food, God had plans for these love birds. Mike was Alyssa’s manager at McDonald’s, and it turns out, the restaurant was the perfect place for them to meet. While most people were binging Netflix or trying to bake sourdough bread, Alyssa found herself sneaking out of the house just to hang out with Mike — and, let’s be honest, the free cookies and Dr. Pepper were a pretty solid excuse to her mother. (right mom?)
Little did they know, those months filled with dinner dates, and late-night adventures to the beach and stargazing were only the start of their forever.
Five years later, Alyssa is finally ready to take Mike’s last name — the same name she once saw on the schedule, but now it means so much more. Who knew a love story could start over a Big Mac?
Here’s to forever — no drive-thru required.